Die Abstände zwischen den Alben wachsen, aber Norwegens Premium-Black-Metaller 1349 verlieren nichts von ihrem Spirit. „The Infernal Pathway“ ist das siebte Album des Osloer Quintetts um den charismatischen Vokalisten Ravn und Drum-Dynamo Frost. Auch unsere Co-Cover-Helden Alcest können auf ihrem sechsten Opus „Spiritual Instinct“ zumindest gesanglich nicht ganz vom Black Metal lassen, haben sich aber kompositorisch in ganz andere Sphären entwickelt.
4 Poster:Fleshcrawl, Destruction, Surface, Knocked Loose
LEGACY-COMPILATION mit 18 Tracks: Graveyard, Eschaton, Saxorior, Mindreaper, Ivory Tower, Shadow’s Far, Stillbirth, Fateful Finality, Zaru, Headless Beast, Dark Colony, Skalfar, Cipher, Mandragora Thuringia, Demise Empire, Lehm, I’m Your Nemesis, This Last World
STUDIOREPORTE: Milking The Goatmachine, Blind Guardian, Dawn Of Disease
Zusätzlich zu den Titel- und Band-Features der CD-Compilation gibt es Interviews mit: Alcest, Aviana, Awaken The Dreamer, Baest, Being As An Ocean, Betraying The Martyrs, Black Star Riders, Blood Red Throne, Borknagar, Brutality Will Prevail, Cemican, Cirith Ungol, Corroding Sun, Creeping Death, Costin Chioreanu, Cro-Mags, Cult Of Luna, Darkend, Deadthrone, Deez Nuts, Denial Of God, Detraktor, Diocletian, Disillusion, Dold Vorde Ens Navn, Domination A.D., Ehlder, Endseeker, Entombed A.D., Entrails, Epica, Eternity, Ethereal Kingdoms, Exhorder, Fister, Formicarius, Gost, Guilt Trip, Helga, Helloween, Herrschaft, Illdisposed, Imperium Dekadenz, Implore, In For The Kill, In Mourning, Insomnium, Irony Of Fate, Issues, Kadavar, Knorkator, Krawallbrüder, Lacuna Coil, Liv Sin, Mars Red Sky, Michael Schenker Fest, Mister Misery, Mortem, Mur, Mystery Blue, Negator, Netherbird, Noekk, Numen, Of Mice & Men, One Hour Hell, Opeth, Orm, Ram, Rings Of Saturn, Saxon, Sleeping With Sirens, Sonata Arctica, Spoil Engine, Strangers In The Attic, Surface, Syberia, Thanateros, The 69 Eyes, The Great Old Ones, The Holeum, The Oklahoma Kid, The Tex Avery Syndrome, Toxic Holocaust, Trauma, Tungsten, United, Ural, Venereal Baptism, Vinsta, Vitriol, Vintersea, Visceral Disgorge, Vorna, Wednesday 13, White Ward
The breaks between their albums are growing, but Norway’s premier Black Metal force 1349 didn’t lose an ounce of their spirit. “The Infernal Pathway” marks the seventh album of the quintet from Oslo, gathered around the charismatic vocalist Ravn and the drum dynamo Frost. Also our co-title heroes Alcest keep a Black Metal edge at least partly in their vocals, though their compositions developed into completely different spheres.
4 Posters:Fleshcrawl, Destruction, Surface, Knocked Loose
LEGACY-COMPILATION with 18 tracks:Eschaton, Saxorior, Mindreaper, Ivory Tower, Shadow’s Far, Stillbirth, Fateful Finality, Zaru, Headless Beast, Dark Colony, Skalfar, Cipher, Mandragora Thuringia, Demise Empire, Lehm, I’m Your Nemesis, This Last World
STUDIO REPORTS: Milking The Goatmachine, Blind Guardian, Dawn Of Disease
Additionally to the title stories and bands featured on the compilation CD we have further interviews with:Alcest, Aviana, Awaken The Dreamer, Baest, Being As An Ocean, Betraying The Martyrs, Black Star Riders, Blood Red Throne, Borknagar, Brutality Will Prevail, Cemican, Cirith Ungol, Corroding Sun, Creeping Death, Costin Chioreanu, Cro-Mags, Cult Of Luna, Darkend, Deadthrone, Deez Nuts, Denial Of God, Detraktor, Diocletian, Disillusion, Dold Vorde Ens Navn, Domination A.D., Ehlder, Endseeker, Entombed A.D., Entrails, Epica, Eternity, Ethereal Kingdoms, Exhorder, Fister, Formicarius, Gost, Guilt Trip, Helga, Helloween, Herrschaft, Illdisposed, Imperium Dekadenz, Implore, In For The Kill, In Mourning, Insomnium, Irony Of Fate, Issues, Kadavar, Knorkator, Krawallbrüder, Lacuna Coil, Liv Sin, Mars Red Sky, Michael Schenker Fest, Mister Misery, Mortem, Mur, Mystery Blue, Negator, Netherbird, Noekk, Numen, Of Mice & Men, One Hour Hell, Opeth, Orm, Ram, Rings Of Saturn, Saxon, Sleeping With Sirens, Sonata Arctica, Spoil Engine, Strangers In The Attic, Surface, Syberia, Thanateros, The 69 Eyes, The Great Old Ones, The Holeum, The Oklahoma Kid, The Tex Avery Syndrome, Toxic Holocaust, Trauma, Tungsten, United, Ural, Venereal Baptism, Vinsta, Vitriol, Vintersea, Visceral Disgorge, Vorna, Wednesday 13, White Ward